
Meeting 12: December 6

Euclidean diagrammatic reasoning, following the slides here.

Meeting 11: November 20


Meeting 10: November 13

Arana, "On the depth of Szemeredi's theorem"

Detlefsen, "Duality, epistemic efficiency, and consistency"

Meeting 9: November 6

Hamami, "Mathematical rigor, proof gap, and the validity of mathematical inference"

Interactive theorem prover languages

Meeting 8: October 30

Manders, "Expressive means and mathematical understanding"

Hardalupas, "When is a proof not a proof?"

Meeting 7: October 16

Dirichlet's theorem, following these slides.

Meeting 6: October 9

Simon, "Architecture of Complexity"

Parnas, "On the criterion..."

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

Meeting 5: October 2

Birner and Ward

Mathematical texts


Simon, "Architecture of Complexity"

Meeting 4: September 25

Kaplan on "ouch" and "oops"

Birner and Ward

Meeting 3: September 18

Interactive theorem proving

Moving beyond the "standard" model of proof

Q: Does proof language change over time? Across cultures?

Kaplan on "ouch" and "oops"

Meeting 2: September 11

Mathematical method and proof

Interactive theorem proving, following this survey: pdf.

Meeting 1: September 4

Course mechanics

Ideas, motivation, and background stories

Goals / questions