Beginner Competition (Sat.) Class Fall 2002
(all lists are routines)
International Cha-Cha (Bronze):
1) Fan
2) Hockey stick overturned to CPP
3) New Yorkers (3x)
4) Spot turn
5) 3 cha-chas back
6) 3 cha-chas forward
7) Basic
*start over*
American Foxtrot (Bronze and Silver):
1) Basic
2) 3 Left rock turns
3) Promenade walk
4) 2 Promenade arches (underarm turns)
5) Left rock turn
6) Grapevine (beginning w/2 slow walks, 2 hand hold)
7) Left rock turn
8) Box twinkle
9) Open crosses
*start over*
Jive (Bronze):
1) Fallaway rock (basic)
2) Change of places Right to Left
3) Change of places Left to Right
4) Change hands behind back (2x)
5) Fallaway rock (basic)
6) Walks (2 triples, 4 quicks, triple w/man cutting around lady)
7) Whip throwaway
8) Stop and Go (2x)
*start over*
International Tango (Bronze):
Long side:
1) 2 walks, SS
2) Progressive side step, QQS
3) Walk, S
4) Open reverse, lady outside, QQSQQS
5) 2 walks, SS
6) Progressive link, QQ
7) Closed promenade, SQQS
8) Rock turn preceded by left foot walk, SSQQSQQS
9) Progressive link, QQ
10) Natural Promenade turn, SQQS
Short side:
1) Closed promenade, SQQS
2) 2 walks, SS
3) Progressive link, QQ
4) Natural promenade turn, SQQS
5) Closed promenade, SQQS
*Start over w/ long side*
International Rumba (Bronze):
1) Basic
2) Fan
3) Hockey stick, overturned to CPP
4) New Yorker
5) Alternative basic
6) New Yorker
7) Spot turn
8) Natural opening out movement
9) 4-6 Basic
*Start over*