Weds. Night Beginner Class Fall 2002
1) Basic (QQS, QQS)
2) Lady’s underarm turn right
3) Alternating underarm turns
4) Crossovers and walkaround turn
5) Back breaks
6) Waist roll from back breaks
7) Left spot swivels
1) Basic
2) Throwout
3) Arch and Loop
4) Man’s underarm turn right
5) Stop and Go
6) American spin and Hand slide, finishing w/lady’s underarm turn
American Waltz:
1) Box
2) Rotating box
3) Progressive box
4) Hesitations and balances (w/underarm turn for lady in balances)
5) Box twinkle
6) Left side by side changes
7) Hesitations and balances (w/underarm turn for lady in hesitations)
American Rumba:
1) Box
2) Crosslead box
3) Crossover breaks
4) 5th position breaks
5) Open break and underarm turn
6) Swivels
7) Open walks (w/ underarm turn for lady and for man)