CMU Ballroom Dance Club
Demonstration Team
The Demo Team is a group of dancers who have learned the basic steps and techniques of several dances and are willing to learn and demonstrate routines. Dancers with all levels of experience are welcome to join. Joining is a great way for a beginner to get more dancing experience!
The Team dances both formation and solo demonstrations. The choreography is done by local dance instructors and team members.
You do not need previous performance experience, a partner, or fancy costumes to join (we'll have all of that for you).
The Demo Team performs for CMU events as well events for places outside of CMU. Some past performances were done at:
Freshman Orientation
CMU Ballroom Competitions
International Festival, at Station Square Mall
Local Middle and Elementary schools
Dancer's Symposium, Fox Chappel Yacht Club
...and many more. If you are interested in joining the Team, contact or talk with a club officer at a lesson.