Nicholas Chung

I am a rising junior at Carnegie Mellon University studying Mechanical Engineering. I am working as an undergraduate research assistant with PhD student Taryn Imamura on the DNA Microswimmers project. I aim to make fabrication and testing of the microswimmers a more consistent process, to aid in experimentation and data collection. I aim to graduate with a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering in Spring 2026.

Current Projects

  1. Investigating magnetization methods to enable swarm behavior in microswimmers.
  2. Developing physical intelligence in microswimmers via chemical response.

Previous Experience

Mechanics II: 3D Design -- Spring 2024 - Bike Pedal Supprt: With two other teammates, we designed a support to fail at a specific load. Incorporating knowledge in material properties, brittle vs. ductile failure, and 3D mechanics, our final product combined the strengths and weaknesses of PLA and acrylic for a consistent result. - Bear-Proof Chair: With three other teammates, we designed a camping chair that best accommodates our stakeholders' needs of portability, cost, strength, and utility. Our final product was stored as a compact tube, but unfolded into an ergonomic and supportive 4-legged chair. It also had dual functionality, with the seat doubled as a throwable bear-bag to protect the user's food supply.

Mechanics I: 2D Design -- Fall 2023 - Martian Coat Rack: With two other teammates, we designed a mass-minimized bracket to support 20 lbs. When applying iterative design with hand-calcs and SolidWorks FEA, we learned how to remove mass from low-stress areas within our bracket.

Fundamentals of MechE -- Fall 2022 - Line-Following Robot: With two other teammates, we programmed a four-wheeled Arduino robot to follow a path and complete a task. To do this, we used light and ultrasonic sensors combined with PID control for a robust algorithm to navigate the course.

Contact Information

  • Please contact me by email: