Tito's paper on automated scaffold routing using shape annealing has been published in Applied Sciences!
We are excited to announce that Tito's paper "Generating DNA Origami Nanostructures through Shape Annealing" was published in Applied Sciences! This paper is part of a special issue on Mechanical Design in DNA Nanotechnology with Special Guest Editor Dr. Alexander E. Marras.
Congratulations to Tito for implementing a shape annealing process to automatically route scaffolds to form multilayer DNA origami from arbitrary polyhedral inputs! Congratulations to Sebastian for computational validation of these resulting designs! And many thanks to Jon Cagan for the exciting and productive collaboration!
Many thanks to Dr. Marras and Applied Sciences for inviting us to submit this work!
Update: The College of Engineering has written an article about Tito's work and our collaboration with Jon Cagan's group. Thanks to CIT for the recognition!