..::Announcements::. |
Saturday, February 21, 2004
Hi everyone!
As a follow up to Dahlia's previous email on the above subject, I would like to provide some details on the event. Name of event: Satay Fest '04 Date: 19th of March (less than one month from now) Time: 5pm(START) - 8pm(END) Venue: Merson Courtyard
I just sent an email to UC to reserve the venue for the event. They should reply on Monday. So, for the time being, the date and venue of the event will be as above. We will be setting up 2 stalls for the event, ie. satay and ais kacang. Since this is a scale-down version of MFF, there will be no promotion booth or coupon system.
Okay, the main purpose of this email is actually not to tell you guys about the above...hehe...but to seek volunteers to help out with the small small things which need to be done prior to the event. We need manpower, the power which will make the event a success by volunteering to help out with the following:
1) Purchase of equipment: If anyone of you knows the best deal around for these stuffs, pls email me.
a) Grill. We need more than 2 of those to accommodate 2000 sticks of satay.
b) Coleman ice container. We need at least 2 more.
c) Fan. The semicircular, manually-operated, hand-held, smoke-&-heat resistant kind of plastic or paper to fan the satay. We need 10 of them. Not too sure whether it's easy to get them around here, so any intelligence on this is greatly valued.
2) Promotion: Ken Yu will be designing the posters and fliers. Since there will be no booth, the fliers will be given to BUDAYA members to be distributed personally to your friends. If you are interested in sticking posters and doing chalking around campus, please email Ken Yu at kylim@andrew.cmu.edu
3) Banner: We need a banner for the event. I would appreciate if anyone can volunteer to design and paint the banner. Pls email me if you want to share your creativity and I'll provide you with the details.
4) Placards: We need 2 placards with information on satay and ais kacang. They should be designed on cardboards with descriptive and graphical information. They will be part of the setup for the food stalls. Pls email me if you can help out with this.
For the time being, those are the things which need to be done. I would gladly accept any support, ideas, and assistance regarding the preparation for the event. Thank you for your time and hope to hear from you guys soon. :)
Cheers, Kenneth.
@ 12:10 PM
