#! /usr/bin/php4 Budaya @ CMU

..::Budaya's Shoutbox::.
..::Malaysia's Headlines::.
Submit Photos
There are two ways to submit your photos to the Budaya gallery.

Create one zip file containing all the photos.
1. Upload the zip file using the tool below (2MB maximun).
2. Send the zip file as an attachment to budaya@andrew.cmu.edu.

Upload a zip file
File (max size: $max_size bytes/".($max_size/1024)." kb):

"; if ($action == 'upload') { $filename = $_FILES["filename"]["name"]; if ($_FILES["filename"]["size"] > $max_size) die ("File too big! Try again..."); copy($_FILES["filename"]["tmp_name"],"./upload/".$filename) or die("Unknown error!"); echo "".$filename." uploaded."; mail('teckhua@cmu.edu', 'Budaya Gallery', 'New file uploaded.'); } ?>