require_once("../../includes/init.php"); $db = initdb(); session_start(); require_once("$FILE_ROOT/includes/authenticate.php"); require_once("$FILE_ROOT/includes/layout/header.php"); $letters = $db->runQuery("SELECT letter_id, full_name, email, phone, institution FROM letters_of_intent ORDER BY timestamp"); if(mysql_num_rows($letters) > 0) { ?>
The table below lists the letters of intent that have been entered by parties interested in presenting at the conference. If you wish to see details about the paper to be presented, click on the names below. Letters are listed in chronological order.
Submitter | Institution |
=$full_name?> | =$institution?> |
There are no letters of intent currently recorded within the database. If you believe this to be an error, then please contact the web master who can confirm that the database is empty. Otherwise, return to this page at a later to date to see if letters are submitted in the interim.
} ?> require_once("$FILE_ROOT/includes/layout/footer.php"); ?>