runQuery("SELECT full_name, institution, email, phone, title, filename FROM manuscripts ORDER BY timestamp"); if(mysql_num_rows($manuscripts) > 0) { ?>

Download Submitted Manuscripts

The table below shows the manuscripts that have been submitted for consideration. To open or download the abstract, simply click the titles of the papers below.

fetch_results($manuscripts)) { list($full_name, $institution, $email, $phone, $title, $filename) = $manuscript; $background = (++$index & 1)==1 ? "#FFFFFF" : "#EEEEEE"; list($name, $domain) = explode("@", $email); ?>
Contact Information Manuscript


No Manuscripts to Download

There are currently no manuscripts in the database to download. If you believe this to be an error, then please contact the web master who can confirm that the database is empty. Otherwise, return to this page at a later to date to see if letters are submitted in the interim.