Go out, young men and women, and find some pictures, sounds, music and video through search engines on the web (e.g. Altavista, Lycos, Excite, Yahoo, Google, etc.). You should try a number of search engines. Other sites you could visit include abcnews.com, alltheweb.com, cnn.com, and virage.com. Hunt more sites down yourself to find answers for this homework. You get 90 points for finding answers to the nine items, with the final 10 points reserved as bonuses for original search sites.
Here are the things you should find:
Extra credit will be given if you use a web source that no one else has used. If you can't find an item, list 10 different places (URLs) where you tried to find it (and what queries), and why each place would be a reasonable source for finding the item.
You should create a web page which lists the answers as URLs organized by question. In addition, you should have a brief description on how you found each of these files with what search engine (name of search engine and its URL or a link to it) and the query used with that search engine (so that we can repeat the search). Also mention what format the data was in (jpg, tif, bmp, avi, wav, mpg, mp3, snd, qt, etc.).
You will get 10 points for each found item, or 1 point for each "good" excuse, defined as a place (search engine) where you looked and had a strong expectation you would find it there with a good query. No points are awarded for an "excuse" on a site where someone else successfully found this object. You get 5 bonus points for each search site that no one else in the class has successfully used to find this object, and can earn up to 2 bonuses (10 points). You can get 100 total possible points for this homework
Have fun exploring multimedia on the web.