To Create a Web page in


Here are the steps to publish your page in peso.  If you need to see the detail, please following the links to examples

  1. Login to

  2. Make sure you have public_html directory under your home directory

         $ pwd



    $ ls -F

    public_html/            <-- If no such directory, you need to create one


         $ mkdir public_html

  1. ftp your file into public_html directory

  2. Find your file in

      For example, you call your file hw3.html and put it in public_html directory.  You can find it in





  1. Login to

          There are many telnet applications in your laptop.  For example,  you can open a MSDOS command window.  

          Type telnet and key in your user name and password



  1.  You need a public_html directory under your home directory ( your home directory is /home/your_user_name)

           You can use ls to check if you have public_html .  If not, use mkdir to create it.

  1. ftp your file into public_html directory

          From an Internet Explorer, type in the address column and use "Login As ..." to login


          Drag-and-Drop the files you want into public_html directory

  1. Find your page in