Special Events
The Financial Crisis: Causes and Possible Cures
Sat, 10 Oct 2009 @ 3:00 - 5:00 PM (MM A14)
We will watch and discuss the recorded lecture "The Financial Crisis: Causes and Possible Cures", delivered by John Allison in January 2009. John Allison is the chairman of the board of BB&T Corporation. Having served as CEO from 1989 to the end of 2008, Mr. Allison is the longest-tenured CEO of a top-25 financial services company. During that time, BB&T grew from $4.5 billion to $137 billion in assets.
Time permitting, we will also watch highlights from Dr. Yaron Brook's recorded lectures on the financial crisis, which argue that the failure to defend the morality of capitalism is what allowed the slew of government regulations that ultimately caused this crisis.
Note that the room MM A14 is in the basement of Margaret Morrison. Entering the building from the rotunda side, head down the stairs and make a left. The lecture hall is then straight ahead.
About Our Special Events
The club is in the process of arranging a major lecture about Objectivism on campus. Details and speaker are still being finalized, but we hope to host the event in October or November of the Fall 2009 term. Information will be posted here as soon as it is available.
In addition to major events, the club will probably host a few small social events every semester. The type and timing of these events will be decided upon in club meetings and an event schedule will be published here. These events will provide a chance to get to know club members better outside of regular meetings, and might include activities such as visiting one of Pittsburgh's museums, playing games in the Scotland Yard game room in the UC, watching a movie and getting something to eat down at the Waterfront, or a takeover of and barbeque at The Fence. We are open to suggestions for just about any event that will provide opportunities for friendship among students with a common interest in Objectivism.
Also, be on the lookout for an upcoming mixer with another campus club, the Kantian Collectivists for Communism.</BADJOKE>
Past Events
Student Activities Fair. Wed, 02 September 2009, 4:30 - 6:30 PM (CFA Lawn)
The Student Activities Fair this semester was a great success, with a surprisingly high number of students showing an interest in Ayn Rand's ideas. As a new club, this was our first Activities Fair event, and we are very excited about the positive reaction we saw in so many students (e.g. "where has this club been for the past three years?"). With such widespread awareness of The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, the club has a promising chance to reach a significant fraction of the student body and to promote an increased awareness and knowledge of Objectivism.