
Directions to Doherty Hall A200 and A301D

The map below should help you find the meeting venue. Walk from the hotels to Forbes Avenue. Continue along Forbes Avenue (yellow arrow) until you come to the intersection with Morewood. Turn right into the campus and walk along a grassy area known as "the cut" until you come to the entrance to Doherty Hall (near the big clock), as shown on the map. University Center is also shown on the map.

As soon as you enter Doherty Hall by the door shown, walk about 20 feet and turn left through a door that takes you to a staircase. Go down one floor, turn left, and proceed along a long hallway. You will find A200 down the first short hallway on the right. To find A301D, continue down the long hallway until you pass the Physics Laboratory. On a doorway on your right, you will see a sign "Entrance to A301A-D". Go through this door, past an elevator, until you arrive at A301D on the left.

Please follow these directions carefully. Doherty Hall is a very old and confusing building. There are rumors of strange creatures lurking in the lower levels near an old abandoned mine shaft. If you become lost, there is very little hope for you.

Friday, November 12

Attendees arriving before 2:30pm may wish to congregate in University Center for informal pre-meeting discussions and chat sessions. University Center has a bookstore, some restaurants, a swimming pool, gymnasium, an ATM, classrooms and meeting rooms, and lounge areas.

Sessions below will be held in Doherty Hall A200.

2:30-2:45 SciDAC status report and call for proposals Negele
2:45-3:00 Status of JLab hardware Watson
3:00-3:15 Status of software Edwards
3:15-4:00 Discussion of operations and operations committee Morningstar
4:00-4:20 Break -------------
4:20-4:30 Working groups set up Morningstar
4:30 onward Group working sessions in various rooms;
working dinners in groups

Saturday, November 13

Breakfast and morning coffee will NOT be provided.
Get these along Craig Street on your way from the hotel to the meeting venue.

Sessions below will be held in Doherty Hall A301D.

8:30-9:00 Progress report of Structure Group Negele
9:00-9:30 Progress report of Spectroscopy Group Morningstar
9:30-10:00 Progress report of Domain-Wall Fermion Group Edwards
10:00-10:30 Break -------------
10:30-10:45 Structure and spectroscopy with domain wall
valence quarks and MILC staggered sea quarks
10:45-11:00 Perturbative renormalization for domain wall valence
quarks with HYP smeared MILC sea quarks
11:00-11:15 Extended baryon and pentaquark operators Fleming
11:15-11:30 Pentaquark results with local and nonlocal sources Sigaev
11:30-11:45 Domain wall fermion advances and explorations Edwards
11:45-12:15 Report on Kentucky projects Liu
12:15-12:30 Chiral extrapolations Thomas
12:30-12:45 Hadron polarizabilities and magnetic moments
with background field methods
12:45-2:00 Lunch -------------
2:00-7:00 Group working sessions in various rooms -------------
7:00 onward Collaboration dinner -------------

Sunday, November 14

Breakfast and morning coffee will NOT be provided.
Get these along Craig Street on your way from the hotel to the meeting venue.

Sessions below will be held in Doherty Hall A301D.

8:30-10:00 Updates from the Groups and discussions JN,CM,RE
10:00-10:30 Break -------------
10:30-12:30 Other business, group working sessions -------------
12:30-1:30 Lunch -------------
1:30-2:00 Closing discussions Morningstar