SU(2) torelon correlator data ------------------------------------ Improved anisotropic action: beta = 1.6000 anisotropy a_s / a_t = 8.0000 input u_t = 1.0000 input u_s = 0.8550 Individual term couplings: spatial plaquette 0.6238 temporal plaquette 23.3462 spatial 2x1 rectangle -0.0427 2s x 1t rectangle -1.9960 2t x 1s rectangle 0.0000 Lattice size (32 x 4) x 112 ------------------------------------ Configuration updating parameters: number of bins 3223 number of measurements per bin 20 number of updates between measurements 30 number of Cabibbo-Marinari sweeps per update 1 number of over-relaxation sweeps per update 6 ------------------------------------ APE fuzzing parameters: Smearing scheme: alpha = 0.1500 initial fuzzing levels = 2 increment in fuzzing levels = 2 number of fuzzings = 6 ------------------------------------ CORRELATOR information: Maximum time separation measured 15 Number of torelon momenta to use 6 (px,py) = ( 0, 0 ) (px,py) = ( 1, 0 ) (px,py) = ( 2, 0 ) (px,py) = ( 3, 0 ) (px,py) = ( 4, 0 ) (px,py) = ( 5, 0 ) Optimized on time slices 1/0 ------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (px,py)=(0,0) FIT RESULTS tmin tmax chisq/dof Q energy 2 12 0.74 0.67 0.19044(38) Energy: ------- best = 0.19043536 plus_error = 0.00035952 minus_error = -0.00039329 boot_avg = 0.19042263 boot_med = 0.19041803 boot_upp = 0.19079488 boot_low = 0.19004208 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (px,py)=(1,0) FIT RESULTS tmin tmax chisq/dof Q energy 2 12 1.06 0.39 0.19197(26) Energy: ------- best = 0.19197377 plus_error = 0.00026518 minus_error = -0.00025835 boot_avg = 0.19197260 boot_med = 0.19197259 boot_upp = 0.19223895 boot_low = 0.19171542 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (px,py)=(2,0) FIT RESULTS tmin tmax chisq/dof Q energy 2 12 0.71 0.70 0.19739(28) Energy: ------- best = 0.19739308 plus_error = 0.00029462 minus_error = -0.00027485 boot_avg = 0.19740524 boot_med = 0.19741177 boot_upp = 0.19768769 boot_low = 0.19711823 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (px,py)=(3,0) FIT RESULTS tmin tmax chisq/dof Q energy 2 12 1.04 0.41 0.20590(27) Energy: ------- best = 0.20589664 plus_error = 0.00028788 minus_error = -0.00026047 boot_avg = 0.20590540 boot_med = 0.20589734 boot_upp = 0.20618452 boot_low = 0.20563616 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (px,py)=(4,0) FIT RESULTS tmin tmax chisq/dof Q energy 2 12 1.12 0.34 0.21736(29) Energy: ------- best = 0.21736094 plus_error = 0.00029952 minus_error = -0.00028416 boot_avg = 0.21736878 boot_med = 0.21736962 boot_upp = 0.21766046 boot_low = 0.21707678 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (px,py)=(5,0) FIT RESULTS tmin tmax chisq/dof Q energy 2 12 2.24 0.02 0.23090(32) Energy: ------- best = 0.23090150 plus_error = 0.00031689 minus_error = -0.00031949 boot_avg = 0.23090192 boot_med = 0.23089843 boot_upp = 0.23121839 boot_low = 0.23058201 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (px,py)=(5,0) FIT RESULTS tmin tmax chisq/dof Q energy 3 13 0.68 0.72 0.22994(41) Energy: ------- best = 0.22994103 plus_error = 0.00042759 minus_error = -0.00039935 boot_avg = 0.22995986 boot_med = 0.22997290 boot_upp = 0.23036862 boot_low = 0.22954168 ################################################################### Computation of the Renormalization of the Anisotropy ---------------------------------------------------- Continuum dispersion relation Correlators fit using 1 exponential(s) Momenta orientations included in fit: (px,py) t_start t_stop (0,0) 2 12 (1,0) 2 12 (2,0) 2 12 (3,0) 2 12 (4,0) 2 12 (5,0) 3 13 Chi-square per degree of freedom = 0.928405 Goodness of fit Q = 0.630370 Z_xi = 0.9447(51) Z_xi: ---- best = 0.94467231 plus_error = 0.00507066 minus_error = -0.00520842 boot_avg = 0.94448078 boot_med = 0.94441136 boot_upp = 0.94974296 boot_low = 0.93946388 1/Z_xi = 1.0586(58) 1 / Z_xi: -------- best = 1.05856813 plus_error = 0.00586293 minus_error = -0.00568635 boot_avg = 1.05881339 boot_med = 1.05886062 boot_upp = 1.06443106 boot_low = 1.05288178 E_0 = 0.2290(14) E_0: --- best = 0.22902670 plus_error = 0.00140339 minus_error = -0.00146685 boot_avg = 0.22897918 boot_med = 0.22895661 boot_upp = 0.23043009 boot_low = 0.22755985 Some details of the other fit parameters: ---------------------------------------- (px,py) a_t E(px,py) (0,0) 0.19041(18) (1,0) 0.19218(17) (2,0) 0.19738(13) (3,0) 0.20575(12) (4,0) 0.21693(18) (5,0) 0.23050(30)