SU(3) torelon correlator data ------------------------------------ Improved anisotropic action: beta = 2.5000 anisotropy a_s / a_t = 5.0000 input u_t = 1.0000 input u_s = 0.8069 Individual term couplings: spatial plaquette 1.9659 temporal plaquette 25.5988 spatial 2x1 rectangle -0.1510 2s x 1t rectangle -2.4574 2t x 1s rectangle 0.0000 Lattice size (25 x 25 x 5) x 60 ------------------------------------ Configuration updating parameters: number of bins 1100 number of measurements per bin 10 number of updates between measurements 6 number of Cabibbo-Marinari sweeps per update 1 number of over-relaxation sweeps per update 6 ------------------------------------ APE fuzzing parameters: Smearing scheme: alpha = 0.1500 initial fuzzing levels = 0 increment in fuzzing levels = 3 number of fuzzings = 4 ------------------------------------ CORRELATOR information: Maximum time separation measured 16 Number of torelon momenta to use 6 (px,py) = ( 0, 0 ) (px,py) = ( 0, 1 ) (px,py) = ( 0, 2 ) (px,py) = ( 1, 1 ) (px,py) = ( 1, 2 ) (px,py) = ( 2, 2 ) Optimized on time slices 1/0 ------------------------------------ ################################################################### Computation of the Renormalization of the Anisotropy ---------------------------------------------------- Continuum dispersion relation Correlators fit using 2 exponential(s) Momenta orientations included in fit: (px,py) t_start t_stop (0,0) 0 15 (0,1) 0 15 (0,2) 0 15 (1,1) 0 15 (1,2) 0 15 (2,2) 0 15 Chi-square per degree of freedom = 1.092220 Goodness of fit Q = 0.272392 Z_xi = 0.973(17) Z_xi: ---- best = 0.97323823 plus_error = 0.01710360 minus_error = -0.01606869 boot_avg = 0.97450439 boot_med = 0.97367851 boot_upp = 0.99034184 boot_low = 0.95716954 1/Z_xi = 1.027(18) 1 / Z_xi: -------- best = 1.02749765 plus_error = 0.01719514 minus_error = -0.01781176 boot_avg = 1.02646727 boot_med = 1.02703305 boot_upp = 1.04469279 boot_low = 1.00968589 E_0 = 0.1308(27) E_0: --- best = 0.13084096 plus_error = 0.00283867 minus_error = -0.00249290 boot_avg = 0.13098746 boot_med = 0.13084319 boot_upp = 0.13367963 boot_low = 0.12834806 Some details of the other fit parameters: ---------------------------------------- (px,py) a_t E(px,py) (0,0) 0.16894(80) (0,1) 0.17666(64) (0,2) 0.19802(77) (1,1) 0.18405(61) (1,2) 0.20464(92) (2,2) 0.2233(14)