#include "analysis.h" #include "scripts.h" // ****************************************************** // // This program makes C-shell script files which run // // pot_two_exp_fit_run // // on one of the SU(3) data sets for one channel--one level. // The location of the refined data files is hardwired into // the program. Also, the file containing the fitting // ranges is also hardwired into the program, so these // files better exist. // // Input: (a) one choice of data set // (b) one choice for symmetry channel // (c) one choice for level in that channel // // All appropriate quark-antiquark orientations in the // two_exp_fit_ranges.dat file will be processed. // // Fitting range file specification: // // For each data set, there should be ONE file // named "two_exp_fit_ranges.dat" // // Each line in this file should look like // channel level R t_start t_stop // Sg 1 (3,0,0) 1 11 // // If the line contains the symbol '*', that line is ignored. // If the line contains the symbol '!', reoptimiziation using 4/0 is performed. // // The following assumptions concerning the quark-antiquark // orientations are made: // on-axis (R,0,0) -> index R orientation = 0 // planar-diagonal (R,R,0) -> index R orientation = 1 // cubic-diagonal (R,R,R) -> index R orientation = 2 // // ***************************************************** int main(){ charString symchannel,fname,str,prompt,fname2,binfile,emfile,fitrangefile; int i,j,Rindex,channel,level,tstart,tstop, run_choice,orientation=0,plural_fuzzings=0,eff_mass_flag=1; int maxlevel=4; int max_line_length=8; int Nspace_dim=3; int reoptimize_flag,omit_flag; int reoptimize_tD=5; int reoptimize_t0=0; int block_scale=1; int em_plot_flag=2; int Nboot=1024; read_int(" Nboot? ",Nboot); run_choice=-1; while ((run_choice<0)||(run_choice>2)){ cout << " Which run?"<Nirreps)){ cout << endl<<" CHANNELS:"<Nirreps)){ cout << endl< to continue .... ",str); channel=0;} } level=0; while ((level<1)||(level>maxlevel)){ read_int(" Choose which operator? [1-" +int_to_string(maxlevel)+"]",level,max_line_length); if ((level<1)||(level>maxlevel)) cout << "Bad value for level"< "<value*block_scale)<next; } if (head!=NULL){ out << "grep \"R=\" "<value*block_scale)<<".sm >! "<value*block_scale)<<".sm >> "<value*block_scale)<<".sm >> "<next; while (pnode!=NULL){ out << "grep \"R=\" "<value*block_scale)<<".sm >> "<value*block_scale)<<".sm >> "<value*block_scale)<<".sm >> "<next; } out << "echo \" \" >> "<> "<