- A full first semester logic course with 13 chapters taking students from basic concepts in logic all the way through derivations in predicate logic with identity.
- 17 instructional videos comprising over half an hour of worked examples, supplemental instructional material and more.
- An interactive lab offering students proof-checking, limited heuristic help and feedback on the completion of over 250 individually assignable derivation problems.
- The lab comes with over 20 minutes of online help videos, showing students everything they need to know to use the lab, including how to save work. The software automatically tracks individual completion of problems.
- Over 40 "Learn By Doing" activities, giving students practical experience with techniques in a setting where immediate feedback is available.
- 13 interactive end-of-chapter quizzes, where students are evaluated on their understanding and recieve further instructional and diagnostic feedback.
- Over 40 interactive self-evaluative exercises that allow students to test their own knowledge and get feedback independent of grading.
- On line participation tracking that allows instructors to credit class participation for both on- and off-line activites.
- Dozens of supplemental pen-and-paper exercises that can be performed off-line by the students as additional assigned homework, or as self-directed exercises.
- Plentiful online diagrams, illustrations, pictures, and charts.