Click here to go to CMU's Conferences Services webpage. Once there, click on "ELKIN 2004" to register online or on the "PDF version" next to ELKIN 2004 to download a PDF file containing the registration form.
Deadline for early registration is April 30, 2004. Deadline for receipt of abstracts for oral presentations is March 31, 2004.
Payment can be by credit card, Oracle string (CMU accounts) or personal check. Registration and payment by credit card or Oracle string can be accomplished entirely online.
To pay by personal check, first download the PDF version of the registration form and fill it out. Make the check payable to "Carnegie Mellon University" and be sure to write "ELKIN" somewhere on the check. Send the registration form and check to
Office of Conference Services
Carnegie Mellon University
1060 Morewood Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
If you wait until arrival to pay by check, you will also be required to provide a credit card number for security until the check is processed by your bank.