Recent Talks Given by DCP

Links below are to notes pages from Powerpoint presentations, printed as PDF files.  Some contain links to movie clips. 

bullet"Polarization of Electrodes by Doped Nonpolar Media", 30-minute invited talk presented at 12th International Conference on Surface and Colloid Science, Beijing, China, October 17, 2006. 
bullet"Streaming Potential near a Rotating Disk Bearing a Thin Double Layer," 30-minute invited talk presented at session honoring Alice Gast, ACS National Meeting, Atlanta, Ga, March 28, 2006.
bullet"TIRM of A/C Electrically Driven Motion of a Single Microparticle near Platinum and Indium-Tin-Oxide Electrodes", a 20-minute invited talk presented at session honoring John Anderson, AIChE Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, November 1, 2005.
bullet"Effect of Wall Hinderence on Brownian Motion and Mobility", a 25-minute invited talk presented at session honoring Eli Ruckenstein, AIChE Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, October 31, 2005.
bullet"Direct Measurement of Colloidal Forces Acting on Brownian Particles", a colloquim given at the Chemistry Division, Los Alamos National Labs, Los Alamos, NM, July 26, 2005.
bullet"2-D Crystals of Colloidal Particles on a Planar A/C Electrode", a seminar given at the Dept. of Chemical Engr., University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, March 10, 2005. 
bulletEffect of Wall Hinderence on Brownian Motion and Mobility: Is the Ratio Still kT as Predicted by Einstein?” Hiroomi Umezawa Memorial Lecture Series, Dept. of Physics, University of Alberta, March 9, 2005. One of a series of public lectures organized to commemorate the centenary of Einstein’s 1905 papers.

“2-D Colloidal Crystal Formation on A/C Electrodes,” a seminar presented at Dept. of Chemical Engineering, University of Florida, October 18, 2004. 


“Calculation of  Van der Waals Forces with Diffuse Coatings: Applications to Roughness and Adsorbed Polymers,” invited talk at Symposium to Honor Jacob Israelachvili on the Occasion of His Receiving the Annual Adhesion Award,


“Motion of a Single Colloidal Particle Levitated above an Electrode in an A/C Field,” invited talk at International Association of Colloid and Surface Scientists, Iguassu, Brazil, September 14-19, 2003. 


“Motion of a Single Colloidal Particle Levitated above an Electrode in an A/C Field,” invited talk at Symposium to Honor Clay Radke on the Occasion of His Receiving the Division Award, ACS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, March 25, 2003.


“van der Waals Attraction between Rough Surfaces,” Gordon Research Conference on Adhesion, August 11-16, 2002. 


“Effect of Surface Roughness on van der Waals Forces: Observations and Predictions using Lifshitz' Continuum Model,” invited talk at Workshop on Particles and Polymers Near Interfaces, Oud Poelgeest, Netherlands, March 23-26, 2002. 


“Direct Measurement of Colloidal Forces,” a colloquium presented at the Department of Physics, Ohio University, Athens, OH, September 21, 2001. 


“Effect of Physisorbed Polymers on the Interaction of Latex Particles and Their Dispersion Stability,” a keynote talk presented at  Particles 2001, Orlando, FL, February 24, 2001. 


"Effect of Physisorbed Polymers on the Interaction of Latex Particles and Their Dispersion Stability," a keynote talk presented at the International Conference on Colloid and Interface Science, Bristol, UK, July 25, 2000. 


"Effect of Physisorbed Polymers on the Interaction of Latex Particles and Their Dispersion Stability," a keynote talk presented at the Symposium on Polymers in Particulate Systems, Annual Meeting of the American Ceramics Society, St. Louis, MO, May 1, 2000.


“Simulation of the Brownian Dynamics of a Rigid Sphere in a Viscous Fluid Very Near a Wall,” Symposium to Honor Darsh Wasan on the Occasion of His Receiving the Division Award, ACS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March 27, 2000. 


"Dynamics of Brownian Motion of a Rigid Sphere Very Near a Wall," Symposium to Honor Howard Brenner on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday, Massachusetts Inst. Tech., Boston, MA, September 24, 1999. 


"Effect of Dense Layers of Physisorbed Polymers on the Interaction of Colloidal Particles," Symposium to Honor Eli Ruckenstein on the Occasion of His Receiving the National Medal of Science, State University of New York at Buffalo, June 19, 1999.


"Direct Measurements of Colloidal Interactions," Annual Meeting of International Fine Particle Research Inst., June 8, 1999.


“Electrostatic Repulsion between Like Charged Particles in an Electrolyte Solution,” seminar presented at Olin Chlor-Alkali Products, Charleston, TN, November 4, 1998.


“Measurement of the Colloidal Interactions between a Single Particle and a Wall,” seminar presented at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Illinois Inst. Technology, October 28, 1998.


“Measurement of the Colloidal Interactions between a Single Particle and a Wall,” seminar presented at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Michigan State Univ., September 17, 1998.


“Measurement of Retarded van der Waals Attraction: Effect of Physisorbed Polymers,” plenary talk presented at Symposium on Particulate Fluids, University of Melbourne, Australia, April 7-8, 1998. 


“Measurement of the Colloidal Interactions between a Single Particle and a Wall,” seminar presented at the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cincinnati, November 13, 1997. 


“Total Internal Reflection Microscopy,” invited talk presented at Syncrude Research Center, Edmonton, Alberta, October 9, 1997.  


“Effect of Unadsorbed Polyelectrolytes on Colloidal Interactions,” keynote talk for session on Colloids and Interfacial Phenomena, Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, October 8, 1997. 


“Measurement of Colloidal Forces using TIRM,” keynote talk for session on Colloidal Dispersions, ACS Surface & Colloid Science Symposium, University of Delaware, June 29-July 2, 1997.


“Brownian Motion in a Colloidal Force Field,” seminar presented at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, April 3, 1997.


“Measurement of Colloidal Forces using TIRM,” invited talk presented at NSF workshop on Surface Forces and Colloidal Forces, Lehigh University, March 5, 1997.


“Use of Optical Forces to Detach Single Microscopic Particles Adhering to Flat surfaces in Aqueous Media,” invited talk presented in Distinguished Lecture Series on Polymer Interfaces, Lehigh University, March 5, 1997.


“Use of Optical Forces to Detach Single Microscopic Particles Adhering to Flat surfaces in Aqueous Media,” invited talk presented in plenary session, 20th Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society, Hilton Head Island, February 24, 1997.