High Quality | Medium Quality | Low Quality |
This is a photo I took one Sunday morning, of the temple across the street from my old house. The highest quality image is pretty close to the original. The lowest quality image has pretty bad compression artifacts, particularly in the area where the lens flare is in front of the temple's lawn. The medium quality picture is, well, somewhere between the other two.
The low quality picture is only 5k in size. The medium quality picture doubles that to 10k, and the high quality one doubles that to 20k. On the machine I was using while doing this work, the difference in size did not result in a noticable difference in load times, but over a dialup connection it might.
This is a screen capture of the error dialog box I got when attempting to log into the class FTP server. I captured it on a Macintosh by hitting command-shift-4, waiting for the cursor to change into crosshairs, hitting the space bar, waiting for the cursor to change into a camera, holding the camera over the dialog box, and then clicking.
This method has the benefit of capturing the entire window in question, so it's appropriate when that's what you want to do. If you're only interested in a part of a window, or if you'd like to see the window in the context of the entire desktop, other methods are more appropriate.