Tim Derdenger is an Associate Professor of Marketing and Strategy
at Carnegie Mellon’s Tepper School of Business and was the Frank
and Helen Risch Faculty Development Professor in Business for AYs
2014-2016. Professor Derdenger also coordinates the Technology
Strategy and Product Management Track for Tepper MBA students
whose interest lead them to employment in technology firms.
Prior to Carnegie Mellon, Tim earned his Ph.D. in Economics from
the University of Southern California and a B.B.A. from The George
Washington University. His research interests are divided into two
areas: the study of technology and sports markets. Within
technology, his research focuses on platform markets with emphasis
on bundling, tying and exclusive arrangements in dynamic
environments as well as empirical methodologies to estimate
dynamic demand models for technology products using aggregate
sales data. With sports markets, his research is centered around
celebrity endorsements and how to optimize their impact on product
sales. He has publications in Journal of Marketing Research,
Marketing Science, Management Science, Quantitative Marketing and
Economics, Marketing Letters, and Customer Needs and Solutions.
He is also an Associate Editor for Management Science (Marketing)
and a member of the editorial review board for Marketing Science.
Finally, he is an avid golfer (0 handicap) and a former four-year
collegiate golf scholarship recipient.