


Subject: Input on Action Plan

Sent: 10/5/98, 8:02 AM -0400

Hi Dr Eichelberger,

The other mail I sent was through Sorry about that.

I'm hoping that I can run a couple of ideas past you on the action plan for

your input and suggestion :

1. I have been keeping a journal of thoughts from the readings and class

discussions. I'm hoping that this will allow me to track evidence of growth

in how I approach issues. I'm also attempting to include information from

work experience as well.

  1. I've found two short books on working in groups:

Team Reconstruction, Building a High Performance Work Group

During Change

The New Teamwork, Developng and Using Cross-Function Teams

What I'm thinking with regard to these by integrating these with the

issues in the readings about multi perspectives and dynamics of my own group

process to identify areas of importance to me. As I do alot of 're-

engineering' (I prefer 'process improvement', I find that group dynamics

and focus are very important. I'm wondering if I should try to approach this

from a different viewpoint.

3. I've also found some interesting readings on technology change in higher

education (from EduCause ) this is really my area of interest). What I'd like to do is to take a

look at the course requirements for Higher ed Master's programs and try to identify content issues related to

technology. What I'm intersted in discovering from the articles is the future issues that Student Affairs professionals need to be prepared to come to terms with and the current programs and courses or intentions of programs to prepare entry level students in Student Affairs to the integration of technology as an agent to assist in student development.

4. As far as technology issues. I've been keeping track of what I've been

using to obtain the information I currently have received (downloaded files, e-mail, searches via the web, etc.).

What I am also doing is taking all of this information, as well as my writings, projects, etc. and creating a web

page which I'm thinking I can publish. My intention here is to use this as an electonic vehicle for presentation

of my folder (of course I'd also make paper versions available.

What do you think?


Dan Kennedy

From: "R. Tony Eichelberger" <>


Subject: Re: Input on Action Plan

Sent: 10/6/98, 3:47 PM +0000

Each of these look good. The only thing I can think of now is to

relate these to the goals, opportunities, and expectations from the

core and see that they are adequately addressed. Then decide if

there are some relevant areas that you would like to go in greater

depth. It looks very good!

Prof. R. T. Eichelberger

Policy, Planning & Evaluation Program

Department of Administrative & Policy Studies

School of Education

University of Pittsburgh