Doctors Of Carnegie Constitution
Drafted February 13, 1986; revised March 17, 1986; revised February 9, 1993: revised March 6, 1995, April 28, 1995, February 18, 1996; revised May 15, 1999; revised March 22, 2005

The purpose of the Doctors of Carnegie is to provide students with information related to the health professions and professional school application process, to increase health awareness, and to be of beneficial service to the Carnegie Mellon University campus community.
President: The position of the President is to coordinate and oversee all activities and subcommittees. The President is also responsible for updating the constitution, directing the election of new officers, scheduling and directing officer meetings, and corresponding with DOCS members about meetings and upcoming events. The President should also insure that the Doctors of Carnegie is properly represented at the CMU Activities Fairs.
Vice President of Special Events: The position of the Vice President of Special Events is to coordinate and oversee the Health Symposium and End-Of-The-Year Gathering.
Vice President of Programming: The position of the Vice President of Programming is to reserve a room at which a monthly meeting can be held and to obtain refreshments to be served at the meeting. In addition, this Officer is responsible for soliciting topics of interest from the DOCS Members, selecting topics, and obtaining speakers for the monthly meeting throughout the year.
Vice President of Volunteering: The Vice President of Volunteering is responsible for updating and compiling a list/booklet of health-related volunteer opportunities available to the Health Professions Program community. The volunteer opportunities list/booklet applies to the Pittsburgh area during the school year as well as nationwide opportunities in the summer. This Officer also aids in communicating the process of how to become involved in a volunteer program. This officer also must make volunteer opportunities known to members throughout the year via email and sign-up sheets.  This officer is also responsible for organizing an annual blood drive held on campus.
Secretary: The Secretary maintains the DOCS website and keeps an updated membership list.  The Secretary also keeps minutes of each Officer's Meeting, provides letter of appreciation to all guest speakers, and helps to prepare the meeting room before and after meetings.
Treasurer: The Treasurer handles the budget, collects dues, and is responsible for applying for funding from the Student Senate.
Chair of Advertisment: It is this chair’s responsibility to work with the officers responsible for each event in order to promote them. This chair is responsible for advertisement of all DOCs events such as making and distributing flyers and banners before the events.  Also, the bulletin board is maintained by this chair.

All Officers: All Officers are to work as a team in the best interest of the DOCS members. This is accomplished by soliciting comments from peers regarding DOCS programming and events, attending all DOCS Officers' meetings, helping to arrange each monthly meeting or event, attending a minimum of half of the DOCS meetings or events. This includes the planning of the Preceptorship Dinner, the End-Of-The-Year Picnic, and Fall and Spring Activities Fairs. All DOCS Officers are to work in coordination with Dr. Amy Burkert, Director of the Health Professions Program.

The election of officers shall be held early in the spring semester.  Email will be sent out with a description of each available position.  Those members interested in running for office will contact the Doctors of Carnegie President with which position they are interested in.  Nominations of members who had not previously notified the President of their desire to run for an office will be accepted at the election meeting and added to the ballot.  Nominees may not run as teams, only as individuals.  
The election meeting will be conducted as follows:
1) The President will begin the meeting by reading a description of the office of the President according to the DOCS Constitution. Next, the President will ask for nominations for the office of "President". Members who had previously indicated their interest in running for "President" are considered nominated and need not be nominated again. The President will then give each candidate a predetermined amount of time to speak to the audience of members and to answer questions. The candidates will then be asked to leave the room, and the President may open the meeting for a short discussion on the candidates if so desired. Votes are then cast by secret ballot. If the voting is close, voting may take place again exclusively on the candidates receiving the most votes. After the votes are counted (by the President), the candidates may return, and the winner is announced. Unsuccessful candidates for President may be nominated for other offices.
2) The same procedure for that of electing the President will be used to elect the other officers in the following order: Vice President of Special Events, Vice President of Programming, Vice President of Volunteering, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chair of Advertisement. Again, unsuccessful candidates for any office may be nominated for any remaining positions.

The membership dues are $5 per year. Once a person has paid his or her dues, that person is considered to be a DOCS Member and is placed on the DOCS distribution list and mailing list.