Looking for a Dictionary? Trying to figure out a concept or term?
Try these! The following dictionaries are available electronically:
For print dictionaries, do a keyword search for "medical dictionary" or "biotechnology dictionaries" in our catalog, CAMEO. Most of these dictionaries will be found in the Engineering & Science Library's Reference Books area.
Looking for an Encyclopedia? Want an overview of a topic & links to additional info?
Try these! The following encyclopedias are available electronically:
For print encyclopedias, check our catalog, CAMEO or try browsing the "R" and "RS" section in the Engineering & Science Library's Reference Books area.
Looking for a Handbook? Want to locate certain facts, data, or formulas?
Available electronically:
For print handbooks and other relevant resources, go to the Engineering & Science Library's Reference Books area to see the following:
Donna Beck, Engineering Librarian, donnab@andrew.cmu.edu