Databases and Indexes
Use databases and indexes to locate articles, technical reports, and patents. When you find
a citation for an article, you need to check the Cameo
library catalog to see if Carnegie Mellon owns that journal or conference proceedings.
If Carnegie Mellon does not own the item, you can use Interlibrary
Loan to have the materials sent to you.
For a comprehensive
list of electronic indexes and databases available at Carnegie Mellon, see Databases
by Subject.
- Chemical
1967- (updated weekly).
Available: SciFinder Scholar
Chemical Abstracts. 1907- (updated semimonthly).
Mellon Institute Library Reference Abstracts for printed volumes
- SciFinder Scholar
Provides coverage of chemical and chemical engineering information. This includes
over 9,000 journal titles, plus books, conference proceedings, technical reports,
patents and dissertations.
- Colour Index International
The definite guide to companies that manufacture and distribute dyes and pigments.
This title requires an ID and password. Call the Engineering and Science Library reference desk (412-268-2427) or email for the ID and password. Register once to create an individual login ID and password.
- EI
1884- (updated weekly).
Engineering Index. 1906-1992.
The world's premiere interdisciplinary engineering database, covering journals,
technical reports and conferences.
1896 - (updated weekly).
Inspec is the leading bibliographic database providing access to the world's scientific literature in electrical engineering, electronics, control engineering, information technology, communications, computers, computing, and manufacturing and production engineering. The database contains over eight million bibliographic records taken from 3,500 scientific and technical journals and 1,5000 conference proceedings. Over 4000,000 new records are added to the database annually.
1964 - (updated monthly).
Available: CSA Illumina.
The NTIS database, produced by the National Technical Information Service, is the preeminent, official resource for government sponsored
U.S. and worldwide scientific, technical, engineering and business-related
- Web of Science
1945 - (updated weekly).
Science Citation Index Expanded is a multidisciplinary index to the journal literature of the sciences. It fully indexes 5,900 major journals across 150 scientific disciplines--that's 2,1000 more journals than the print and CD-ROM versioins of the SCI. The Science Citation Index Expanded includes all cited references captured from indexed articles.