Databases and Indexes
Use indexes and
databases to locate articles, technical reports, and patents. When you find
a citation for an article, you need to check the Cameo
library catalog to see if Carnegie Mellon owns that journal or conference proceedings.
If Carnegie Mellon does not own the item, you can use Interlibrary
Loan to have the materials sent to you.
For a comprehensive
list of electronic indexes and databases available at Carnegie Mellon, see Databases
by Subject.
- Chemical
1967- (updated weekly).
Available: SciFinder Scholar
Chemical Abstracts. 1907- (updated semimonthly).
Print editions at Mellon Institute Library, older editions at offsite storage.
Provides coverage of chemical and chemical engineering information. This includes
over 8,000 journal titles, plus books, conference proceedings, technical reports,
patents and dissertations.
- EI
1884- (updated weekly).
Engineering Index. Print editions at offsite storage.
The world's premiere interdisciplinary engineering database, covering journals,
technical reports and conferences.
1896 - (updated weekly).
Can search EI Compendex and INSPEC together.
Provides access to "scientific and technical journals and conference proceedings
in physics, electrical engineering and electronics, computing and control,
and information technology."
- Materials
Science Collection
1966- (updated monthly).
Available: CSA Illumina. Includes Engineered Materials
Abstracts, Materials Business File, METADEX,
WELDASEARCH, World Ceramics
Abstracts and more.
1965 - (updated monthly).
Available: FirstSearch:
Medicine & Health Sciences: MEDLINE
MEDLINE via PubMed
- (National Library Of Medicine)
1966 - (daily updates 10 months of the year). Provides access to MEDLINE,
plus PREMEDLINE. Includes a citation matcher, journal browser (to find abbreviations
of journal titles), and links to some full text journals. Coverage includes
biomedical research, clinical and life sciences. Subsets include AIDS, Bioethics,
Cancer, Complementary Medicine, History of Medicine, Space Life Sciences,
Systematic Reviews, and Toxicology.
- Medical
Subject Headings
MeSH is NLM's controlled vocabulary used for indexing articles for MEDLINE/PubMed.
Use the MeSH database to find MeSH Terms and build a consise search strategy.
1964 - (updated monthly).
Available via CSA Illumina.
The NTIS database is the preeminent, official resource for government sponsored
U.S. and worldwide scientific, technical, engineering and business-related
- PubMed
(National Library Of Medicine) In addition to providing access to MEDLINE,
PubMed includes access to Nucleotide and Protein Sequences, Protein Structures,
Complete Genomes, Taxonomy, and other databases.
- Web of Science
1945 - (updated weekly).
Science Citation Index.
Cited Reference searching: Identify which authors have
used a particular article as a footnote or reference.