undergraduate and graduate curriculum in a university context
A paper written by Professor Craig Vogel (School of Design)
and presented by Eric Anderson at the International Council
of Societies of Industrial Design
(ICSID), 2nd Education Conference Critical Motivations and New Dimensions,
Hannover, Germany, September 5 -7, 2003
Community to Knowledge: A youth inspired library
A paper by Eric Anderson and Kristin Hughes, presented by Eric Anderson. National
Design Education Conference, Industrial Designers Society of America, New York,
New York. August 10-12, 2003
Visual Literacy Through Cognitive Activities
Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Psychology
Invited Guest Lecturer - Pittsburgh, PA, March 11, 2003
Square to a Circle: Teaching the Exploration of Form
Georgia Institute of Technology, Program of Industrial Design
Invited Guest Lecturer - Atlanta Georgia, October 11, 2002
Visual Literacy Through Cognitive Activities
The International Colloquium, Global Changes in Engineering Education. American
Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) in collaboration with the European
Society for Engineering Education (SEFI), Berlin, Germany. October 1- 4, 2002
construction and exploration: Building confidence and
vision in early
industrial design education through drawing
Proceedings of the First China-US Joint Conference on Design Education
Industrial Designers Society of America, Beijing, China, May 14 17,
Square to a Circle: Teaching the Exploration of Form
National Design Education Conference Designing Your
Industrial Designers Society of America, Boston, Massachusetts,
August 12 14,
for Seniors
Invited to present to senior residents about the junior studio 2001 project.
This project was a community-based project designed to connect with seniors
and identify new product opportunities that would provide assistance and value
to this consumer market. Weinberg Terrace Apartments, Pittsburgh, PA. April
August 2001
Talent to Design Education
National Design Education Conference Designing Your
Industrial Designers Society of America,
Invited Panel Member, Boston, Massachusetts, August 12 14, 2001
Cognitive Activities to Enhance Technological Literacy
International Technology Education Association, 63rd Annual Conference
Atlanta, Georgia. March 22-24, 2001
Visual Understanding Through Cognitive Actions
Design Management Institute, Design and Knowledge Management - Forms, Process,
and Tools: The 10th International Conference on Design Management, Research,
and Education Proceedings, Frankfurt, Germany. November 18, 2000
objects through construction: Perspective grids in a first
year drawing course
National Design Education Conference Design Gumbo
Industrial Designers Society of America, Lafayette, Louisiana. September 19,
through drawing: A necessary tool, or convenience?
National Design Education Conference Chicago 99
Industrial Designers Society of America, Chicago, Illinois, July 1999