Drawing II: Spring 2003
Eric Anderson + Mark
Mentzer - Instructors
Monday 8:30 to 11:20
Wednesday 8:30 to 11:20
Friday 8:30 – 11:20 (Varied Subjects)
Welcome to Design Drawing II. This course intends to build upon and expand
the skills and concepts you experienced in Design Drawing I. In a sentence,
last semester we learned to make believable images of three-dimensional
form by building through drawing. As you know, drawing is about seeing,
recording, and structuring what you perceive or imagine. In this semester
you will continue to study how to visually communicate information utilizing
drawing systems, methods of idea generation and process, with the goal
in mind of accruing fluency in drawing through effective sketching.
Design Drawing II focuses
not only on your ability to draw effectively, but also on your
understanding of the use of drawing in the design process. You
will again be using drawing to both a) explore ideas and visualize
concepts and b) communicate your ideas to yourself and to others.
We will continue to explore the effective application of drawing
in design for problem solving. Along with the evaluation of the
drawing itself we will emphasize the effectiveness of the drawings
communicative aspects, as the problems this semester become more
This critique-based studio course requires both production and discussion of
work in class. Additionally, you are expected to complete outside work,
as assignments require. We also ask that you keep a process folder (this
will be discussed first day of class) as a vehicle for thinking, exploration
of new drawing concepts, and frequent practice. Practice and repetition
are what allow your work to improve.
The course begins at 8:30 AM, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. You must arrive
for class on time... that is present and prepared to work at the start
time. Frequent absences and late arrivals reflect a lack of commitment
to the class and will adversely affect your grade. If you cannot attend
class, inform us in advance either by e-mail or by calling the design office
at 268-2828, prior to class. After three unexcused absences, your final
grade will drop by one full letter. Six (6) and more unexcused absences
will result in a failing grade for this course. Any late arrivals past
20 minutes will count as an absence. Excused absences are absences for
medical/health reasons (a health services/doctor's note or appointment
copy is required), a death in the family or for recognized religious holidays.
Three late arrivals will count as one absence.
You will be graded on several criteria within these categories: Exploration,
Development, Quality and Presentation.
- Exploration
addresses your ability to see and consider beyond your initial “good
idea” and to seek originality through discovery – achieved
largely through process/sketching.
- Development addresses the kind of energy, enthusiasm and focus you bring
to learning the material, as well as, your commitment to your individual growth
in design through process work. Individual and group participation is a critical
factor in evaluating your development.
- Quality addresses the work itself; the concept and implementation. It is
determined by your ability to translate and synthesize the principles of the
assignment, feedback of your instructors, and individual insight into successful
- Presentation addresses media control, technical control, craftsmanship and
whether or not you completed the assignments on time, as directed, and to full
A Excellent. Consistently
high quality, creative work that surpasses course expectations.
Ability to communicate ideas both visually and verbally. All
assignments complete and on time. Demonstrating a strong all
around effort in both work and class discussions. Positive attitude
and commitment towards the class, and the instructors. Prompt
attendance to all the classes.
B Good work. Demonstrating
an above average effort and improvement in all areas. All assignments
complete and on time with no technical problem areas. Positive
attitude and involvement in class. Meeting all requirements of
the course. Prompt attendance to classes.
C Competent, satisfactory
performance. Producing the minimum work required. Demonstrating
a basic understanding of the principles presented in class. Possible
or slight technical problem areas. Possible attendance and tardiness
D Poor work and lack
of effort. Demonstrating little understanding of the principles
discussed in class. Low creativity and poor technical ability.
Minimal involvement in class discussions. Demonstrating minimal
commitment to your development as a student. Possible attendance
and tardiness issues.
R Failure to meet course
requirements. Lack of understanding of the principles discussed
in class. Inability to convey creativity and technical ability.
Little or no involvement in class discussions. Demonstrating
little or no commitment to personal development. Poor attendance
and frequent tardiness.
We look forward to
working with you this semester. Do not hesitate to approach us
at anytime if you have concerns, problems or questions. We will
assist in any way that we can.