drawing: A means towards visual literacy and the exploration
of ideas in the classroom
Article accepted for publication in The Technology Teacher (TTT), the flagship
journal of The International Technology Education Association (ITEA). It is a
useful tool for technology education professionals from elementary teachers to
junior high, middle, and high school classroom teachers as well as teacher educators.
October 2003 issue
community to knowledge: A youth inspired library
Anderson, Eric and Hughes, Kristin. Accepted for publication in the proceedings
of the National Design Education Conference (proceedings as yet unavailable)
Industrial Designers Society of America, New York, New York. August 10 -12,
Visual Literacy Through Cognitive Activities
Proceedings of the International Colloquium, Global Changes in Engineering
Education. American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) in collaboration
with the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI), Berlin, Germany.
October 1- 4, 2002, Electronically published - www.asee.org/conferences/international/posters.cfm
Form construction
and exploration: Building confidence and vision in early
industrial design education through drawing
Proceedings of the First China-US Joint Conference on Design Education
Industrial Designers Society of America, Beijing, China. May 14 17,
A Square to a Circle: Teaching the Exploration of Form
Proceedings of the National Design Education Conference Designing Your
Industrial Designers Society of America, Boston, Massachusetts. August 12 14,
2001 Concurrently published at www.idsa.org/whatsnew/01ed-proceed/papers.htm
Visual Understanding Through Cognitive Actions
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Design Management, Research,
and Education Design and Knowledge Management - Forms, Process, and Tools Design
Management Institute, Frankfurt, Germany. November 16-18, 2000
objects through construction: Perspective grids in a first
year drawing course
Proceedings of the National Design Education Conference Design Gumbo
Industrial Designers Society of America, Lafayette, Louisiana. September 18-20,
2000 Published electronically at www.idsa.org/whatsnew/00ed-proceed/papers.htm
Seeing through
drawing: A necessary tool, or convenience?
Proceedings of the National Design Education Conference Chicago 99
Industrial Designers Society of America, Chicago, Illinois. July 1999
Published electronically at www.idsa.org/whatsnew/99ed-proceed/papers001.htm