for Bachelor of Science in Business Admistration Program
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Business Communications 70-340
Offered every Fall and Spring: 9 units
Prerequisite: sophomore standing (76-100 or 76-101)
In this course, students gain an understanding of the purposes and processes of communication in business and learn how to create communications tools that meet the needs of a variety of business audiences. As well as working individually on cases and projects, students also develop their skills in collaborative communication. Students have opportunities to evaluate and improve their oral communications skills through a number of exercises, including videotaping.
Interpersonal Communication 70-343
Offered every Spring: 9 units
No Prerequisites
This course examines the types of interpersonal communications required in workplace and business situations. Topics covered will vary each semester, but can include business & executive etiquette, ethics in business, gender issues in business, dressing for success, interviewing skills, leadership skills, listening skills, how to run a successful meeting, intercultural communications, motivating employees, negotiating, networking in business, non-verbal communications, performance appraisals, power communication, effective telephone skills, and team/small group communication. The course functions as a typical seminar with students selecting topics of interest, gathering information, preparing seminar materials to share with peers, leading class discussions and giving in class presentations on their selected topics. Skill-building, co-curricular events will be required and may include conducting mock interviews, role playing business luncheons, and maneuvering at business social events. Grading based upon seminar presentations, lab/event participation, class participation, and written exams/reports.
Oral Communication 70-345
Offered every Fall: 9 units
No Prerequisites
In this course, you will prepare, present, discuss, and critique the different oral presentations currently practiced in business. Topics covered will include: developing your verbal and physical presence; planning presentations based on audience needs and expectations; projecting personal credibility, professionalism, and appropriate emotional responses; and using various multi-media technology. You will try on a number of roles in response to particular situations and audiences. Particular cases will vary from term to term but will cover informative and persuasive problems (such as formal public introductions, explanation of policy and/or procedures; employee training sessions; state-of-the-company addresses; sales proposals; team-driven strategic plans; unfavorable annual reports; public interviews with a hostile press; budget proposals). You will at times work within groups and in every case will openly discuss and critique each others presentations in terms of skills and content. Grading is based on oral presentations, class participation, and oral and written critiques. There is no final exam.
Contact Information:
Email Contact: Larry Cohen