U.S. Graduates in Architecture
Did Architecture change as the number of graduates increased?
Are there style differences when the number of women graduates increased?
Press year # to see popular buildings constructed in recent decades"
5 = 1950's
6 = 1960's
7 = 1970's
8 = 1980's
9 = 1990's
0 = 2000's
p = Present"
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Source of the information:
Excel File of graduate records, The National Center for Educational Statistics,
retrieved from http://nces.ed.gov/
Building Images 1950 - 2005, Great Buildings Collection,
retrieved from http://www.greatbuildings.com/gbc.html
Building Images 2006, Architectural Record Houses,
retrieved http://archrecord.construction.com/projects/residential/archives/0604recordHouses.asp
Building Images 2006, NY Times,
retrieved http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2009/04/15/arts/design/20090415-smithsonian-slideshow_index.html
Source code: Proj11105
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