NS Workbench: A Graphical User Interface for NS Network Simulator


l        Installing NSBench

1.      Download NS and NAM

2.      Download NSBench

3.      Download and install Java 1.4 or later.

l        Using NSBench


1.        Start nsBench by double clicking the nsBench.jar icon in windows Explorer. In unix and linux, open x terminal, then type “java -jar nsBench.jar” to start nsBench.

2.        Use the top menus to save files, set NS global configuration and generate the TCL script. Use bottom menus to create NS objects.

3.        Choose your file names for the simulation project. Open <Configuration> menu and choose <Trace>.




4.        Create network nodes. Click the circle icon, or select the insert menu and select <Node>.


5.        Create a network links. Click and drag the mouse from the point on the center of one node (cursor changes to hand) to the center point of the other node.



6.        To configure the created link, double click the mouse on any point on the link.


7.        Attach transport agents to nodes. To attach an TCP agent to a node first select the node. Then, open the insert menu and select <TCP>, or click on the square icon and select the agent.



8.  You can now create a sink agent and connect it to the other node. To do that follow the same steps as in step 7, but select n1 prior to starting.



9. To configure the TCP agent, double click on the TCP object.




10. Create a transport connection between the two TCP agents by connecting the center points of both TCP objects.



11. Create application or traffic generator objects. To create an FTP application object, first select the source TCP agent to which this application will be attached, then open the insert menu and choose <FTP>, or select the Diamond shape icon and choose one of the applications.




12. Write the simulation scenario. Open <Configuration> menu and choose <Scenario>. In the scenario window, click <Add Row> button to add an event in the scenario table. Type the time the event should be triggered in the <Time> slot. In the <Application> slot, choose the FTP application object. In the <Action> slot, choose “start”.




13. Complete the simulation scenario by adding more rows. Finally, write the total simulation time at the bottom.



14. Generate the NS TCL script for your simulation project. Open the Script menu and choose Generate. The generated code will be stored in the TCL file named in step 3.