Click here for source and input/output files for Example 2
This example illustrates the computation of a spectrum for a probe tip located near an InAs quantum dot in GaAs (as discussed in S. Gaan, G. He, R. M. Feenstra, J. Walker, and E. Towe, J. Appl. Phys. 108, 114315 (2010)). The band edges and geometry of the quantum dot is defined in a routine QDOTEDGE, called by VBEDGE and CBEDGE, in the main program (see source code above referenced link). A number of parameters needed to define the quantum dot are input through the FORT.9 input file and passed to the routine QDOTEDGE through a /QDOT/ common block. Additionally, the presence of steps on the surface is modeled using extrinsic charge density as defined in the RHOSURF routine, also present in the main program. A spectrum of states for the quantum dots appears as: