As the leading change agent for Southwestern Pennsylvania's technology industry, the Pittsburgh Technology Council drives the growth, development, and retention of the region's technology-focused business and talent. With this mission in mind the Council seeks to provide students with the opportunity for development and real-life work experience through internships. Our current goal is to create a greater demand by the employers to offer internships in the region. Our member companies currently have some of the following opportunities posted on our website: Online/Interactive
Marketing Internship, NuRelm E-business Software, Uniontown, PA Communications/PR
Intern, NuRelm E-business Software, Uniontown, PA Civil
Engineering Internship, Paul C. Rizzo Associates, Pittsburgh, PA Technical
Intern, Extra Mile Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA Web
Design Internship, Content Services Group, Pittsburgh, PA Internet
Marketing Intern, Content Services Group, Pittsburgh, PA Public
Relations Intern, Dymun & Company, Pittsburgh, PA Communications
/ Graphics Design Intern, DynaVox Systems, Pittsburgh, PA Public
Relations Intern, Pittsburgh Technology Council, Pittsburgh, PA Business
Development Intern, Collaborative Fusion, Pittsburgh, PA
you have questions concerning the above positions, please contact: |