- Map Key: Copenhagen in not an objective. Madrid is a better example.
- Treaty Chart: An alliance with the US has a US entry effect of
+3 in 36-37,+2 in 38-39, +1 in 40-41, and 0 in 42+.
- War Chart: Note (c) Afghanistan, Nepal and Tibet are only included if
you are playing with WiF.
- 3.2 3rd bullet: The initiative order is GE, IT, CW, FR, RU, JA, US, CH.
- 3.2 The CW commences the game with the NE guaranteed (IPO 12).
- 4 The number of objectives needed by the
Axis is 45: GE 23, IT 5 and JA 17.
- 6 4th Para: If you bid for more than one option, add your bid modifier
before dividing by the number of options played.
- 8.5 You may only activate a minor that you can control.
- 8.5 You may not activate any minors the turn you play your option (5).
- 8.7.1 IPO 1 -
You may not play this option towards an ideology if you already
occupy a hex in the center faction of that ideology.
- 8.7.1 IPO 10 - If IPO 10 has already been played this turn, you may
attempt to play your option 0(c) instead.
- 8.7.1 IPO 10 - If the US does not successfully play IPO 10 in the relevant
turn, then the Govt. has changed from Democrat to Republican until
the next election. While Republican, reduce all US entry effects
by 1.
- 8.7.1 IPO 15 - The GE naval ratio is 4.
- 8.7.1 IPO 19 - The US player may embargo the resources being provided
to JA at the start of the game.
- 8.7.2 Option 0 - Variant (c) except for the US, MPs do not need to hold
an election while at war.
- 8.7.2 Option 0 - Variant (g) If you think GE is too powerful politically,
this variant only earns the MP 2 times as many bid points as your
current PE.
- 8.7.2 Option 2 - While a MP has an offensive (or occupies a hex if playing
WiF) into your home nation, you may attempt to play the gear up
option, even if you do not meet the prerequisites. The US may
attempt to gear up while non democratic MP units (not it's controlled
minors) occupy any off map box in North or South America, even if
they do not meet the prerequisites.
- 8.7.2 US Option 2 -
You may not gear up to 1 until half your naval units are
based in Pearl Harbor (if playing WiF, the P units must be in Pearl
Harbor and the WC units on the West Coast). After gearing up to 1,
these naval forces may not leave until at war with, or have a NAP
with JA.
- 8.7.2 Option 3 - If not at war with a MP that has declared war on one of
your controlled minors, your forces may not enter that minor's
territories. However, MPs with which you have a level 2 or 3 treaty
may enter if they are at war with the MP declaring the war.
- 8.7.2 Option 3 - If playing with WiF, you may lend lease units (except INF)
up to the build point value equal to the army/navy points allowed (e.g.
if you have a level 1 treaty, you can buy any units, except INF, up to
a value of 5 build points). Other WiF lend lease rules apply.
- 8.7.2 Option 3 - The US may not sign a level 3 treaty until it is at
war with a MP.
- 8.7.2 Option 4 - If you declare war on a MP, it's PM is automatically and
immediately increased to the DoW PM of [their] MP, provided [their]
PM is not already at or above that level already.
Example: GE declares war the US in Nov/Dec 1941. The US PM increases
from it's current PM of 1 to 2. If the US PM was already 2 or 3, then
it would not change.
- 8.7.2 Option 4 - If you declare war on a MP from another
ideology, increase it's PE by 1. In the case of the US, increase their PE by 2.
- 8.7.2 Option 4 - If a MP from another ideology that is at war with you,
declares war on a minor country, that minor will automatically join
your side whenever it's political marker is stacked under yours
(You do not need to play IPO 5 first).
- 8.7.2 Option 4 - If you declare war on an allied or guaranteed minor, the
resultant cassus belli lasts until the end of the following turn or
until the minor is conquered, whichever is the later.
- 8.7.2 Option 5 -
If a Vichy surrender is accepted, you only lose a territory
if the enemy MP have offensives into that territory equal to half or
more of the offensives required to conquer that territory (in WiF, half
or more of the cities in that territory).
If you do not have half or more offensives into that territory, the
territory splits into 2 with each of you controlling a portion (if
playing with WiF, the conqueror gains all isolated territory as well).
If playing with WiF, and your units are now in each other's territory,
they are moved to the nearest friendly hex or land section.
- 8.7.2 Option 5 - If a MP surrenders, it loses 1 PE for each MP surrendered
to. If the US surrenders, it loses 2 PE for each MP surrendered to.
- 8.7.2 Option 5 - Your PE may be reduced below zero. Each turn that your PE
is below zero, you must lose income equal to your negative PE, if
available (e.g. if your PE is -3, you lose 3 income per turn). If
you have insufficient income to pay, you may not receive your 1 free
INF, CAV, MIL or HQ this turn (see WiF5
- 8.7.2 US Option 6 - Your PE need not be greater than zero to veto the
Neutrality Act (see above para though).
- 9.1.1 You also can't move a naval point between the West Atlantic and the
NE Pacific [the Panama Canal] if Central America is nuetral, unless
the US agrees.
- 9.1.2 A MP that is at war with more than one MP fights all MP units in the
same area with which they are at war. This may result in more than
one battle in one area in the same turn. Each battle is resolved in
reverse initiative order with forces separated into the 2 battles.
[This seems to apply to DoD II only]
Example: The CW is at war with GE while FR is at war with IT. Two
separate naval combats are fought if forces from all 4 MP are in the
same sea area.
If the CW is also at war with FR, 2 combats are also fought but with
any remaining CW forces not committed to the first battle being
committed to the second.
- 10.2 Until a Chinese civil war (CH 7 to RU 7), each 3 money (or part
thereof) spent by the CH player, on army points must produce a
CC army point.
After a CH civil war commences, each 4 money (or part thereof)
spent by the RU player, must produce a CC army point.
- 10.2 If your home nation is conquered, you may place reinforcements in
any territory you control. However, a second army/naval point (or
in WiF, a unit) may not be placed in a territory unless each other
controlled territory has 1 army/naval point (or unit).
- 15.1 2.d(i) Add RU white print immediately after RU first gears up to 2.
- 15.1 4.c(v) While resources are being provided by the US to JA, enough US
CONV must be placed between the US West Coast and any major port
in JA, such that these resources get there.
- 15.5.1 If you desire, you may declare which countries you will be going to
war with this turn during Political Affairs (to forestall subsequent
playing of IPO 5 and IPO 12 in the same turn). If you do so declare,
you must declare war on these countries in the first impulse of this
- 15.5.1 You pay all costs, minor country and US effects after you first
declare war on a country. You do not pay these costs if you end
up not declaring war on any country this turn.
- 15.5.4 CC units may not enter a nationalist controlled city unless at
war with nationalist China (CH).
- 15.6 Reinforcement Phase: Every minor country with a factory receives
1 INF or CAV reinforcement every second turn after being declared
war upon. Each other minor receives 1 INF or CAV every 6 turns
after being declared war upon until conquered. (e.g. BE was declared
war upon in May/Jun 1940. It would receive 1 INF or CAV in Mar/Apr
1941, 1942, etc. unless already conquered.)
- 15.6.1 After resolving ideological initiative, the ideology that has the
second highest initiative can elect to have their impulse after the
ideology with the lowest initiative. The ideology with the highest
then can elect to have their impulse after one or both of the others.
- 15.6.2 Finland and Rumania each also receive a HQ when first set up. Siam
receives 1 INF and Saudi Arabia 1 CAV when each is first set up.
- 15.6.3 Mexico has a land connection with the US West Coast.
- 15.7.3 None of the restrictions specified in WiF5
11.5.1 & 11.5.2 apply except
as covered in DoD II.
- 15.7.4 RU INF cost 2 while any 2 MP are at war. RU INF cost 3 if no MP
are at war.
- 20 South America - includes all American territories south of the US.
Pending Errata - Things discussed with Harry, that he says will become
errata, or public commnets he has endorsed or clarified. These are not
iron clad, but are very likely.