Variant Cards
Schoko and Co is a great little, game, but the Random event
cards leave something to be desired. After all, there are only 7 of them.
Not very random. So, Alan Moon introduced a number of new event cards. One
type is called the Wirchafteains and the other the Express. When I asked
Dave Sidore what the difference was, well, he wasn't sure. Some of the
cards aren't clear to me, so this is a rough draft.
Original Cards
Just so you can copy them over onto your new card set.
- The player that paid the most salary this month gets $50,000.
- All contracts at the bookeeper are cancelled.
- No cocoa available next month.
- Each player must remove 5 bars of chocolate from storage.
- Pay $5,000 per bar of chocolate in storage.
- No new bookeepers may be hired next month.
- Each worker only produces 1 bar of chocolate next month.
The Alan Moon Wirch-whatever Cards
- Secretaries Strike -- No contracts processed by secretaries next month.
- Tax Increase -- All players reveal cash on hand and pay the bank $10,000.
- Coca crop damaged -- Minimum bid of $5,000 per Cocoa bid next month.
- No new workers may be hired next month.
- Chocolate Glut -- Any contract for 50 or 60 tons are discarded without
replacement. Question -- Is this contracts that are being processed,
or does it mean contracts that come up during next months sales meetings?
The Alan Moon Express Cards
Since I don't know the difference between these
cards and the others, I just say that there isn't.
- Give 1/2 Bars of chocolate to the bank. (Round up).
- Increased Demand - There will be 4 extra sales meetings next month.
(I'm not sure if this is an express card or a Wirchaftains card.)
This was typed in by
Brian Bankler.
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