Rotate any wall section 90 degrees, effectively destroying one wall and creating another. Any Wizard or Objects in the wall's path get pushed back. (Kudos to Chris Esko).
PacMan moves 3 spaces/caster's turn (controlled by the caster). Whenever PacMan enters a space occupied by a wizard, that wizard drops any treasure he is carrying, and then is teleported back to his home space. Pacman takes 3 points of damage to kill. (Chris Esko).
A sudden burst of gravity causes the target to drop all objects (treasures, stones, items, etc) he is carrying. (I don't know if this duplicates weakness exactly. I think applying it to everything makes it fairly powerful.) Useful against that guy with 3 stones.
Creates a 3HP Giger-esque monster. Alien moves 2 spaces per player's turn towards the closest wizard (including caster). Alien attacks every turn it is in the same square as any wizard (alien attacks all wizards in square simultaneously) for 2 points of damage. Alien is invisible until it attacks. Anyone killed by an Alien becomes one.
This is fairly powerful monster, but independent. Variations include letting the Alien killing monsters (thereby making more aliens) and I think that a rule to the effect of "You can't win by elimination if there are aliens on the board" should make things interesting.
Also, making anyone in the same square as an alien that is killed take 2 points of damage.
Every wizard is teleported to the location of the wizard controlled by the player on one side (caster's choice). A successful counter action takes that wizard out of the chain of rotation.
ALL sectors rotate 90 degrees in a direction of the casters choice.
Nullifies any point based attack as your loyal puppy protects you. Caster loses next turn mourning over dead puppy.
Caster may change the value of one number card played by +1 or -1.
The caster discovers that the die is rigged and forces a re-roll. Must be in LOS of a wizard involved in the die roll.
One object (caster's choice of displayed objects) of the target breaks. Does not affect treasure. Target must discard broken object.
All wizards and living monsters take 3 pts of damage while the Dungeon is being cleaned. Caster may not counteract the damage against himself.
Each wizard plays a # card secretly and reveal simultaneously. Highest card wins one random card from every other wizard. In case of ties, the tied wizards have another round. If there can be no winner (a tie with no wizard having number cards left) it is a push and no cards change hands. Discard # cards used.
The Next wizard to take damage from another wizards attack receives the top card of the deck.
Removes any permanent beneficial spell effects on the target (Lifesavers, Reversed Slow Deaths, etc.)
Player loses # card turns, gaining 3 life points back each turn. May still cast counteractions, draw and discard cards.
A merchant (Movement 0, Lifepoints 3) sets up shop. Anyone dropping a treasure on the merchant's square draws 7 cards instantly. Treasure is removed from the game. The Merchant only buys one treasure of each color, and will not buy a players own treasure. Players must play and discard down to normal hand size by the end of the turn.
All players may freely trade cards and held objects. Trading session lasts one minute.
Creates a dragon that moves to the nearest treasure, which it guards. The Dragon does 3 points of fire damage like a fire imp, and 4 additional points to anyone in same square. If it loses a treasure, it moves to the nearest one. Movement 3, 5 life points. Immune to fire damage.
Opponent's carried treasure is fake! Put treasure back on it's starting square.
Caster gains control of target monster. If target is not normally controlled by a single wizard (Alien, Democratic Monster, etc) the duration = # card played, otherwise permenant.
Caster attempts to disbelieve a monster's existance. Roll a d4. On a 3 or 4, the monster is destroyed. On a 1 or 2, the monster does 1 or 2 (as rolled on die) extra damage to the wizard.
A fog covers the sector that the caster is in. Duration = # car. Fog reduces LOS to adjacent/same square and doubles chances of falling into a pit or slipping on ooze.
One currently active duration based spell of the caster's choice is made permenant. Counts as an attack if used against another player.
Spell does not happen immeadiately, but during the same players next turn. May work against attacks and neutrals.
May interrupt Opponents movement. Moving wizard loses turns based on total movement.
Declared Movement Lost Turns 4-5 1 6-7 2 8-9 3 10+ 4
Makes any damage taken by a player directed neutral (monster, destroyed wall, etc) count as an attack. Attack still occurs if player is barred via attacking (by buddy, etc).
Fully reflects any physical attack (punching, wizardblade, monsters, daggers, etc). Does not count as a spell.
Blocks all attacks and damaging spells. Lasts until caster moves. Caster may not cast spells while protected and note that this isn't a counteraction.
Let's the wizard pick up an object without ending her turn.
Moving any number of spaces in a straight line only costs one movement point. Any time the wizard proposes to change directions, however, a roll of a 1 on a d4 results in the wizard falling down (before changing directions) and losing the rest of the turn and the next turn.
Wizard may put portable hole on a wall or door and move/see through hole. Like any object, picking up the portable hole ends turn and it counts as a card in hand.
Creates a wall. On every players turn, including the turn where created, roll a d4. On a 1, the wall does not exist during that players turn.
Caster proposes any change of rules. Rules change cannot give any player victory immeadiately, nor may it mention individual players. All players vote on rules change. If there are more Yes than no votes, the rules change takes effect. (Note that changing the rules is different than changing the board state. You couldn't propose to raise everyones life points back to 15, but you could propose to make -10 the condition for dieing. You couldn't propose to remove some monster from play, but you could propose that that particular monster dies if it ever gets within LOS of another player.)
The following cards were proposed by Adam Rixey:
Played with NUMBER card. Creates a powerful blast of wind capable of destroying dust clouds and fire walls, and knocking back players. Wind travels two times number card played. Moves away from caster, following 90 degree turns. Wind is stopped by doors, slime, stone, bushes, etc. Players are knocked back to first 90 degree turn or to spell's full distance, whichever is first. Wind does not turn unless it has to. [Yes, if you write small, this all fits on one card.]
Played with NUMBER card. Acts as a temporary Visionstone. Allows sight through one wall, through dust clouds (unlike Visionstone), creations, etc. Will not see through solid stone blocks. Allows safe passage through dust clouds.
Played with NUMBER card. Recharges sticks and hit points of created objects (monsters, bushes), but not above the initial maximum. Cannot split the number card (i.e., the recharging) over multiple items in LOS. Can recharge items and monsters created by other players.
Allows player to sacrifice normal movement in order to teleport two spaces in one direction and one space at a right angle to it. Number cards may be played before or after (to allow further movement.)
Creates an empty sector adjacent to the sector in which the caster is in (caster's choice.) Exits rewarped per instructions in manual. If sector is empty, Dispel Creation spell will destroy it. (Sector must be in LOS.)
Played with NUMBER card. Heals this many points of damage. Can heal above caster's normal maximum.
Roll die for random direction. Caster moves in that direction, through a wall, if necessary. Does not count as a movement point. If Phase Door brings caster out of LOS of attacker, it lets the caster dodge the spell attack.
Played with a neutral card, this card turns the neutral card into an attack, letting you use the neutral card as your attack for the turn. Only usable with neutral cards that affect the caster. Applies neutral card to desired enemy in LOS. Enemy may counteract, as usual.
Allows player to briefly step into a fear zone or ignore the effects or the Go Away and Ugly spells. When not used as a counteraction, this card is playable with a number card - it is effective for this many turns. Courage is not castable from inside a fear area - caster must leave the area first. No number card may be played when Courage is used as a counteraction.