Class time and location:
Instructor: George Chen (email: georgechen ♣ ‐ replace "♣" with the "at" symbol
Teaching assistant: Johnna Sundberg (jsundber ♣
Office hours (starting second week of class): Check the course Canvas homepage for the office hour times and locations.
Contact: Please use Piazza (follow the link to it within Canvas) and, whenever possible, post so that everyone can see (if you have a question, chances are other people can benefit from the answer as well!).
Companies, governments, and other organizations now collect massive amounts of data such as text, images, audio, and video. How do we turn this heterogeneous mess of data into actionable insights? A common problem is that we often do not know what structure underlies the data ahead of time, hence the data often being referred to as "unstructured". This course takes a practical approach to unstructured data analysis via a two-step approach:
Prerequisite: If you are a Heinz student, then you must have already completed 95-791 "Data Mining" and also one of either 95-888 "Data-Focused Python" or 90-819 "Intermediate Programming with Python". If you are not a Heinz student and would like to take the course, please contact the instructor and clearly state what Python courses you have taken/what Python experience you have.
Helpful but not required: Math at the level of calculus and linear algebra may help you appreciate some of the material more
Letter grades are determined based on a curve.
Date | Topic | Supplemental Materials |
Part I. Exploratory data analysis | ||
Week 1 | ||
Tue Mar 11 | Lecture 1: Course overview, analyzing text using frequencies |
Thur Mar 13 | Lecture 2: Basic text analysis demo (requires Anaconda Python 3 & spaCy) | |
Fri Mar 14 | Recitation slot: Lecture 3 — Basic text analysis (cont'd), co-occurrence analysis | |
Week 2 | ||
Tue Mar 18 | Lecture 4: Co-occurrence analysis (cont'd), visualizing high-dimensional data with PCA | |
Thur Mar 20 | Lecture 5: PCA (cont'd), manifold learning (Isomap, MDS) | |
Fri Mar 21 | Recitation slot: More on dimensionality reduction | |
Week 3 | ||
Tue Mar 25 |
HW1 due 11:59pm
Lecture 6: Manifold learning, intro to clustering |
Thur Mar 27 | Lecture 7: Clustering | |
Fri Mar 28 | Recitation slot: Quiz 1 — material coverage: everything up to and including Fri Mar 21 (i.e., weeks 1-2) | |
Week 4 | ||
Tue Apr 1 |
Final project proposals due 11:59pm (1 email per group)
Lecture 8: Clustering (cont'd) |
Thur Apr 3 & Fri Apr 4 | No class (CMU Spring Carnival) 🎪 | |
Week 5 | ||
Tue Apr 8 | Lecture 9: Wrap up clustering, topic modeling | |
Part II. Predictive data analysis | ||
Thur Apr 10 | Lecture 10: Intro to predictive data analysis | |
Fri Apr 11 | Recitation slot: Quiz 2 — material coverage: Tue Mar 25 up to Tue Apr 8 (i.e., weeks 3-4 as well as Lecture 9) | |
Week 6 | ||
Tue Apr 15 |
HW2 due 11:59pm
Lecture 11: Intro to neural nets & deep learning | |
Thur Apr 17 | Lecture 12: Image analysis with convolutional neural nets (also called CNNs or convnets) | |
Fri Apr 18 | Recitation slot: TBD | |
Week 7 | ||
Tue Apr 22 | Lecture 13: Text generation with generative pretrained transformers (GPTs) | |
Thur Apr 24 | Lecture 14: Other deep learning topics; course wrap-up | |
Fri Apr 25 | Recitation slot: Final project presentations | |
Final exam week | ||
Mon Apr 28 | Final project slide decks + Jupyter notebooks due 11:59pm by email (1 email per group) |