Lab 6: Using JAVA Arrays – Stock Analysis  

Lab 6 Due Date:  Wednesday October 31 at 11:59 pm


The purpose of this assignment is to analyze stock prices of Microsoft for a period of one year. The date file of stock prices is given in msft.txt. A typical line in the data file looks as follows:

Date                   Hi         lo       close      volume

14/05/99            79.938  76.625  76.875  42200500

The methods needed to parse the file will be given in class. We will deal with file inputs at a later point.




The class Stock has the following methods that need to be completed:


·         Default constructor set up an empty Stock object

·         Second constructor (with parameters) accepts a File of stock prices as input and read the file into the array.

·         sort— Sorts the array of numbers in ascending order (code given)

·         max  — Returns the maximum closing stock price for the year

·         min  — Returns the minimum closing stock price for the year

·         mean  — Returns the mean closing stock price for the year

·         median  — Returns the median closing stock price for the year

·         ROI  — compute the return on investment – return a percentage as a double (+ or -)



Lab 6: Model a Stock

Download the file by clicking on this link. Save the zip file to your C:\Temp directory and unzip the files. Open the directory lab6. You should see the following files:

The task

The code in the driver will be given in class. We will go through the design elements as well in class. Upon successfully completing the Stock class, the program should run, generating output that corresponds to the sample output given below.

Sample Solution

File msft.txt has been opened.



















The highest stock price is 94.93

The lowest stock price is 41.81

The average stock price is 64.19

The Return on Investment is 71.91%

The median stock price is 58.1


 Press Enter to continue

Handing in your Solution

Your solutions should be in the form of .zip files. When we grade your solution we will unzip the folder and execute the project. If your project does not run you will lose the execution points for that lab.

Your Solution zip file must contain all the files in your projects

Your teaching assistants will show you how to zip up the files for submission. Instructions are also in the Tutorial document that is available

Click on this link to Submit your zip file