From Mon Nov 5 21:50:18 2001 Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 22:34:35 -0400 (EDT) From: Ananda D Gunawardena To: +dist+~guna/public/, 15-100 I <+dist+~guna/public/> Cc: Ananda D Gunawardena Subject: eXAM 2 I placed an updated copy of the review with some solutions. As for methods required for the test, please study the following. a. String Methods (page 75 of text) b. Math Methods (sqrt, pow) c. Point Methods ( getX, distance) d. Account Methods (deposit, withdrawl) Now there is also link from the course web to a subset of the Java API In addition if I ask you to write any other method, a full description will be given. i.e name, return type, arguments and what the method is supposed to do. I will be in my office tuesday 1-3 PM if you need help. ananda