From Mon Nov 5 22:00:29 2001 Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 15:53:19 -0400 (EDT) From: Nobody This message was submitted from the Section G feedback page. Is the instructor helpful in answering questions during class? Is the instructor helpful in answering questions through e-mail? No Comment Is the instructor helpful in answering questions during office hours? How would you rate your programming skills prior to this class? novice How would you rate your computer skills in general? intermediate Which of the following programming languages do you know? What is your current Grade Point Average (GPA)? 3.13 What specific suggestions or complains do you have? i cannot believe you managed to make such an aweful test. why did the multiple choice count for such alrge portion of the exam? some of the questions were things we have never ever seen before. the url question? ho the hell as i supposd to know what that was? i guessed! the new file question!! what is up with that!?!?!? i guessed again. i am not paying 15000a semester to be guessing! if you want us to know certain information, you have to teach it! being smart is not knoing, being smart is understanding. how can i understand something i've never seen before? questions on this exam did not judge my comprehension of the material, they merely pointed out the iobvious...i don't kno everything. What are the most important things you have learned in this class so far?