From Mon Nov 5 22:09:13 2001 Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2001 12:22:25 -0400 (EDT) From: Ananda D Gunawardena To: +dist+~guna/public/ Cc: Ananda D Gunawardena Subject: Mid Semester Grades Midsemester grades are on-line now. Please check your grade and let me know before Monday 10/22/01 12 noon, if there are changes to be made. The Midsemester Grade was determined by the formula: (lab1 +.... + lab5)/5*0.5 (50% of the grade) + (Max(T1,T2)*1.5 + Min(T1,T2)*0.5)/2*0.5 (50% of the grade) Note that in order to reward you for the higher test grade, i counted 150% of that and to minimize the effect of a bad grade, i counted only 50% of that. I used the firstTwo + lastTwo digits of your SS num as the code. For eg if SSnum is 123456789 then your code is 12+89 = 1289 Note: If you had given a code to Helen, I didnot use it. I wanted to make sure I get the grades out asap. ananda