From Mon Nov 5 22:42:04 2001 Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 11:24:20 -0400 (EDT) From: Ananda D Gunawardena To: +dist+~guna/public/, 15-100 I <+dist+~guna/public/> Cc: Ananda D Gunawardena Subject: Second Half of 15-100 Dear Students, We are starting the second half of the course with an introduction to arrays. Lab6 is based on an array of doubles. There are few things I'd like to emphasize: 1. Attending class is *VERY* important. I will be discussing many of the things necessary to complete the assignmnet in class. It is impossible to address all the questions you may have in the description. So please ask questions in class. 2. Please let me know by direct email or using the anonymous form, how things are going. While it extremely important to hear what is not right, I might also enjoy (from time to time) hearing from you if you were happy with the way a certain topic is covered. Hope you have great semester. ananda