From Thu Nov 29 11:24:03 2001 Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2001 13:32:04 -0500 (EST) From: Ananda D Gunawardena To: +dist+~guna/public/, 15-100 I <+dist+~guna/public/> Cc: Ananda D Gunawardena Subject: Test 3 scores online Dear Students, I hope you had a great thanksgiving weekend. I have posted Test3 scores on line under grades. Take a look. The Score breakdown is as: constructor - 15 initializer - 15 print - 15 optional methods - 15 each (total 3x15 = 45) Name info - 2 pts all files included - 3 pts other (compile, etc..) 5 pts Extra Credit - 10 pts Max possible - 110 Let me know if you have questions ananda