This Miscellaneous page contains many CS 15-111 useful links

CA Schedule
PowerPoint Viewer
Cheating Policy
Anonymous Course Feedback Form

Java Language Specification
JavaDoc API
Dictionary of Algorithms, Data Structures, and Problems

Other Resources
Courtesy of Richard Pattis

Your computer must have an open connection to the world-wide web to access these resources. Each resource will launch in its own browser window.


Download: Code-Warrior IDE (Metrowerks)
Download: Java2 SDK for Windows (Sun's version)
View       : JavaDoc of API (Sun's class documentation)


Download: WinZip (for compressing/decompressing Files/Folders)
Download: WSFTP (for uploading/downloading to Andrew)
Download: TextPad (Simple Shareware Editor/Java IDE)


Download: Standard Metrowerks Java Project (a zip file)