Lab courtesy of : Jim Roberts
Course Web Site:
Write a program that displays multiplication tables in the usual format
of multiplication tables. The tables will start with the value, 1.
You can download, unzip, and run the executable program to see what is
meant by "the usual format." The course web page has a link to information
explaining how to run executables.
- This will be an application (instead of an applet).
- It will use only one class - Driver. Do not add additional
- There is no user input for this program.
- The actual table must be printed by a separate method.
- Formatting should be kept simple by using the "\t" (tab) escape sequence.
This will justify the values in the columns
to the left and that is
acceptable. Formatting is of minimal
concern in the goals of this lab.
- Display three different tables.
- Your table may wrap to the next line producing a very confusing display.
This is ok. To avoid this, keep
the max value small enough to avoid the
wrapping of text.
Practical Concerns
The template is available from the course web site. If you have
Codewarrior installed, download the CW version of the zip file and extract
it. If you are not using Codewarrior, download the CONSOLE version
of the zip file and extract the files.
The only file you have to edit is the file, Driver,java. DO NOT change the name of this file - Java is very picky about file names and Codewarrior complicates this pickiness! Change the file name and you will suffer greatly!
You have to hand in all files - delete nothing.
Use the handin mechanism as demonstrated in class.
Here to handin your assignment
Some Last Thoughts (from Jim)
Even though this is a "review" there is a lot of stuff to deal with
in this assignment - a lot... and not much time to deal with it - Java
instead of C++, Codewarrior, CMU, CS, Getting lost on this assignment
(commonly producing the emotion of being totally overwhelmed if not outright
stupidity) is fine as long as this occurs on Monday night. A Monday
night emotional crash can be totally cured by seeing me or one of the CA's
in office hours Tuesday. This will allow you to recover and finish
on time. Such a crash on Tuesday night is totally unacceptable and
will give you nothing but grief since you will take a very VERY bad grade
on your first lab. Start today and get help tomorrow if you need
it. You should not spend all night on this lab. If you do,
then you deserve
that feeling of outright stupidity. Code only as long as you
are making progress. If you hit a wall and can't climb it within
15 minutes, quit and do something useful even if it is sleeping and get
help tomorrow.