lab5: Working with the
Graph Class
Due Date: Wednesday October 31, 23:59.
Background: Lab5 should be a refresher on implementing member
functions and then using those member functions in a client program to perform
certain actions. Once you're done, you will use the Intro-CS Assignment Dropoff
form to hand in your finished program.
What You'll Need :Download the
file from the 15-111 course web site. Save the zip file to your temp directory
and unzip the files. You should see the following files:
- lab1.mcp
- graph.txt
- (Given)
Open the lab5.mcp file
and look at the filenames listed inside. lab5.mcp is a CodeWarrior project
file. The project file serves to manage the various libraries and source files
that make up your program.
Complete all
unfinished methods in the Graph class.
Then complete the following methods. The degree of a vertex is the
number of edges incident to that vertex. For a directed graph, we can define
the following terms:
- in-degree
- the number of edges entering the vertex
- out-degree
- the number of edges leaving the vertex
- degree
- the number of edges entering and leaving the vertex
You are to declare and implement member functions for
each of the above. After doing so and
testing your implementation, you are to implement the following
client functions in to
exercise the 3 new member functions:
- Max
Out Degree - the maximal number of edges leaving any single vertex
- Min
Out Degree - the minimal number of edges leaving any single vertex
- Max
In Degree - the maximal number of edges entering any single vertex
- Min
In Degree - the minimal number of edges entering any single vertex
- Max
Degree - the maximal number of edges entering/leaving any single vertex
- Min
Degree - the minimal number of edges entering/leaving any single vertex
To run your program, press
F5. The output must be similar to the following.
Sample output
The graph is
0 ==> (1,10)
, (6,2)
1 ==> (2, 31)
2 ==> (3, 5)
3 ==> (4, 11)
4 ==> (5,9) , ( 0, 13)
5 ==> (1,25)
6 ==> (7, 15), (8, 6), (9, 22)
7 ==> (9, 12)
8 ==> null
9 ==> (8, 1)
Max Out Degree - 3
Min Out Degree - 0
Max In Degree - 2
Min In Degree - 1
Max Degree - 4
Min Degree - 2
Handing in your Solution
Your solution should be in
the form of a .zip file. When we grade your solution we will unzip the folder
and execute the project.
Your Solution zip file must contain (only)
the following files
- project.mcp
(the project)
Do not include a copy of the datafile