"The Culture of Criticism: Adolf Behne and the Development of Modern Architecture in Germany, 1907-1914." PhD Dissertation, Columbia University, 2005. Directors: Robin Middleton, Barry Bergdoll, Mary McLeod.
"Revising the Paradigm: German Modernism as the Search for a National Architecture in the Writings of W.C. Behrendt," M.Arch thesis, University of California (1993). Directors: Kathleen James-Chakraborty, Dell Upton, Margaret L. Anderson
“NCMA Concrete Block Competition” (2008). Principal investigator, grant report to the National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA), summarizing results of our study and promotion of the material through studio, a design competition, and a public lecture. Presented 100 copies to NCMA for distribution at their national conference
“Velux Light Museum Competition” (2007). Principal investigator, grant report to the VELUX Corporation, summarizing the results of studying light through studio, a competition, and a public lecture. Presented 100 copies to Velux
“NCMA Concrete Block Competition” (2007). Co-author, grant report to the National Concrete Masonry Association, summarizing results of a student competition. Presented 50 copies.