Week I
August 29–Sept 2
Finite-dimensional vector spaces; the definition of a vector space; subsets and subspaces; examples; dimensions; linear transformations; matrices
Week II
September 7–9
The kernel of a map; injective maps; surjective maps; bijective maps; isomorphisms; similarity transformations; the inner product; definition of an inner product; the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure; the Schwarz Inequality
Week III
September 12–16
Commutators; Hermitian transformations; Hermitian conjugation; orthogonal transformations; unitary transformations; expectation values; projections; the completeness relation
Week IV
September 19–23
Permutations; placement of indices; tensors; types of matrices; the determinant; its definition and properties; how to invert a matrix; cofactors; the trace; the spectral decomposition
Week V
September 26–30
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors; characteristic polynomial; characteristic equation; eigenvalues of Hermitian matrices; normal matrices; the square-root of a matrix
Week VI
October 3–7
Infinite-dimensional vector spaces; Fourier analysis; Fourier transforms; the Dirac δ-function; properties of the δ-function; Fourier transforms in multiple dimensions; the Gibbs phenomenon
Week VII
October 10–14
Hilbert spaces; Cauchy sequences; complete vector spaces; Banach spaces; the Parseval Inequality; the Bessel Inequality; square-integrable functions; the Riesz-Fischer theorem; the Stone-Weierstrauss theorem
October 17–19
Recurrance relations; orthogonal polynomials; the Rodriguez formula; the classical orthogonal polynomials; Hermite polynomials; Laguerre polynomials; Jacobi polynomials; Chebyshev polynomials; generating functions
Week IX
October 24–28
Complex analysis; the complex plane; de Moivre’s theorem; complex functions; complex derivatives; the Cauchy-Riemann condition; complex analyticity; the complex exponential; conformal transformations
Week X
Oct 31–Nov 4
Examples of conformal transformations; complex integration; the Cauchy-Goursat theorem; curves and contours; the Cauchy Integral Formula; the Darboux inequality; entire functions
Week XI
November 7–11
Taylor and Laurent series; convergence; radius of convergence; tests of convergence; zeros and singularities; three types of singularities; residues; the Residue Theorem; complex integration
Week XII
November 14–18
Definite integrals of rational functions; definite integrals of products of rational and trigonometric functions; definite integrals of trigonometric functions; principal values
November 21
Meromorphic functions; the Mittag-Leffler expansion
Week XIV
Nov 28–Dec 2
Multivalued functions; Riemann surfaces; branch cuts; integrating around a branch cut; the method of steepest descent; the Sitrling approximation
Week XV
December 5–9
Linear differential equations; first-order linear equations; second-order linear equations; integrating factors; second-order linear operators on a Hilbert space; Green’s functions; Green’s identities; boundary-value data; completely homogeneous problems; Green’s functions in higher dimensions